Examining the angelic science of number, Richard Heath reveals how the development of human consciousness was no accident. The beauty and elegance we see in sacred geometry and in structures built according to those proportions are the language of the angels still speaking to us.

Reveals how the number science found in ancient sacred monuments reflects wisdom transmitted from the angelic orders
• Explains how the angels transmitted megalithic science to early humans to further our conscious development
• Decodes the angelic science hidden in a wide range of monuments, including CarnacAn extensive megalithic complex in southern Brittany, western France, predating the British megalithic. in Brittany, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, early Christian pavements, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Stonehenge in England, and the Kaaba in Mecca
• Explores how the number science behind ancient monuments gave rise to religions and spiritual practices
The angelic mind is founded on a deep understanding of number and the patterns they produce. These patterns provided a constructive framework for all manifested life on Earth. The beauty and elegance we see in sacred geometry and in structures built according to those proportions are the language of the angels still speaking to us.
Examining the angelic science of number first manifested on Earth in the Stone Age, Richard Heath reveals how the resulting development of human consciousness was no accident: just as the angels helped create the Earth’s environment, humans were then evolved to make the planet self-aware. To develop human minds, the angels transmitted their own wisdom to humanity through a numerical astronomy that counted planetary and lunar time periods. Heath explores how this early humanity developed an expert understanding of sacred number through astronomical geometries, leading to the unified range of measures employed in their observatories and later in cosmological monuments such as the Giza Pyramids and Stonehenge. The ancient Near East transformed megalithic science into our own mathematics of notational arithmetic and trigonometry, further developing the human mind within the early civilizations.
Heath decodes the angelic science hidden within a wide range of monuments and sites, including Carnac in Brittany, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, Teotihuacan in Mexico, early Christian pavements, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, and the Kaaba in Mecca. Exploring the techniques used to design these monuments, he explains how the number science behind them gave rise to ancient religions and spiritual practices. He also explores the importance of lunar astronomy, first in defining a world suitable for life and then in providing a subject accessible to pre-arithmetic humans, for whom the Moon was a constant companion.

- Easter AquhorthiesEaster Aquhorthies (i.e. apocathery) has eleven stones in a circle and in between the two south-to-south-west stones is a large (bridging) recumbent stone, more commonly found in Scottish circles and associated (by Alexander ThomScottish engineer 1894-1985. Discovered, through surveying, that Britain's megalithic circles expressed astronomy using exact measures, geometrical forms and, where possible, whole numbers.) to lunar observatories because, in Scotland at lunar maximum standstill, the moon can rest upon or be hidden by a raised horizon.
- Goddess of Time in the SkyExplores the relationship between ancient astronomical practices and megalithic cultures, highlighting how early societies understood time through celestial cycles. It contrasts matrilineal hunter-gatherer societies with later patriarchal agricultural ones, suggesting that megalithic structures reflect deep, sacred knowledge of the cosmos and have influenced subsequent architectural designs across civilizations.
- Is Sacred Geometry A Message From God?Just after Summer SolsticeThe extreme points of sunrise and sunset in the year. In midwinter the sun is to the south of the celestial equator (the reverse in the southern hemisphere) and in midsummer the sun is north of that equator, which is above the geographical Equator)., Michael Quu and I recorded a conversation for his “Learn Something New” podcast and this is available, as below.
- Modularity of SevenSacred Geometry is metrical, it is based upon the interactive properties of “natural” (that is, whole) numbers and cosmic constants.
- The Cellular World of TwelveThe foot has twelve inches just as the British shilling had twelve pence. A good case can be made for twelve as a base like 10, since there are 12 months within the year and many ancient monuments can be seen to have employed duodecimal alongside decimal number, to good effect.
- Metrology of a Bronze Age DodecahedronThe Norton Disney Archaeology Group found an example of a “Gallo Roman Dodecahedron”. One of archaeology’s great enigmas, there are now about 33This is the number of years for an exact number of 12053 days. This period can be measured using the equinoctal sun and it has come to be known as the lifetime of semi-divine Solar Heroes such as Jesus and Mithras. This period relates geometrically to the 18.618 years of the moon's nodal period. known examples in what was Roman occupied Britain.
- Design of the Taj Mahal: its FaçadeThe Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable buildings on earth. It was built by a Moghul king as a memorial for his dead queen and for love itself. The Mughals became famous for their architecture and the Persian notion of the sacred garden though their roots were in Central Asia just north of Persia.
- The Moon is Key to our SurvivalWith the advent of many orbital missions, the Moon is threatened with orbital and other changes due to space travel.
- Numbers, Constants and PhenomenologyWe have seen that the early numbers define the world of musical harmony but other important patterns arise within the ordinal numbers such as, The transcendent (or irrational) ratio constants * (first mentioned in the Preface) are the visible after-effects of the creation of time and space. They must … Continue reading “Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels”
- Why numbers manifest living planetsabove: The human essence class related to four other classes in J.G. Bennett’s Gurdjieff: Making a New World. Appendix II. page 290. This systematics presents the human essence class which eats the germinal essence of Life, but is “eaten” by cosmic individuality, the purpose of the universe. The range … Continue reading “Why numbers manifest living planets”
- Counting the Moon: 32 in 945 daysOne could ask “if I make a times table of 29.53059 days, what numbers of lunar months give a nearly whole number of days?”. In practice, the near anniversary of 37 lunar months and three solar years contains the number 32 which gives 945 days on a metrological photo … Continue reading “Counting the Moon: 32 in 945 days”
- A House that is your HomeThis graphic demonstrates how the inner geometry within numbers can point to significant aspects of Celestial Time or here Space regarding the relative sizes of the Earth and the Moon, namely 11 to 3 according to pior π: The constant ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159, in ancient times approximated by rational approximations such as 22/7. as 22/7The simplest accurate approximation to the π ratio, between a diameter and circumference of a circle, as used in the ancient and prehistoric periods..
- Inside TimeThere are two things we can count in this world, one is the number of objects on the Earth and the other is the number of time periods between events in the Sky.
- Angkor Wat and St Peter’s BasilicaUnexpectedly, three more chapter were written to conclude Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures, on Cambodian temple Angkor Wat and Rome’s St Peter’s Basilica.
- The Metonic Period at Ushtogai SquareIf one takes the figure of 940 feet (that is, 286.512 meters) as the side length factorizing 940 gives 20 x 47 and 47 (a prime number) times 5 gives 235 which is the number of lunar months in 19 solar years: the MetonicGreek: The continuous 19 year recurrence of the moon's phase and location amongst the stars. period. image by Google Earth
- Alignment of Ushtogai Square to VegaThe Ushtagai Square is angled to fit an invisible three-by-three square aligned to the North Pole. This grid could be to help lay out the square but then why make it angled to the diagonal of the double squares within the grid?
- Utility of the Ushtogai Square to count the Nodal PeriodUsing Google Earth, a large landformThose geometrically connected buildings, natural features or horizon events, necessary for quantifying astronomy, measuring the landscape or, in later times, connecting communities. was found in Kazakhstan (Dmitriy Dey, 2007); a square 940 feet across with diagonals, made of evenly spaced mounds. We will demonstrate how the square could have counted the lunar nodal periodUsually referring to the backwards motion of the lunar orbit's nodes over 6800 days (18.618 years), leading to eclipse cycles like the Saros. of 6800 days (18.617 solar years)
- The Stonehenge Crop Circle of 2002One sees most clearly how a single concrete measure such as 58 feet can take the meaning of the design into the numbers required to create it. However, metrologyThe application of units of length to problems of measurement, design, comparison or calculation. of feet and types of feet can hide the elegance of a design.
- Pauli’s Cosmic Dreamabove: Wolfgang Pauli, ca. 1924. Wikipedia CC BY 4.0 Renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung had an intellectual friend in Wolfgang Pauli, a leading theoretical scientist in the development of quantum mechanics who had offered (with others) a third perspective to the deterministic physics of Newton and relativistic physics of Einstein. … Continue reading “Pauli’s Cosmic Dream”
- Chartres 3: Design of West FaçadeThe design of the twin towers of Chartres point to an extraordinary understanding of its designers, quite unlike pre or modern understandings of the outer planets and their harmonic ratios. We have already seen a propensity for using the ordinary English footThe standard prehistoric foot (of 12 inches) representing … Continue reading “Chartres 3: Design of West Façade”
- Chartres 2: the harmony in its towersIn the previous post, the difference in height of the two towers was seen to have an exoteric and an esoteric meaning. Exoterically, the taller tower is sometimes called the sun tower, probably because the globe at its top (below its cross) is about 365 feet-as-days (hence representing the … Continue reading “Chartres 2: the harmony in its towers”
- Chartres 1: the cosmic coding of its towers in heightThe lunar crescent atop the “moon” tower’s cross. Chartres, in north-west France, is a very special version of the Gothic transcept cathedral design. Having burnt down more than once, due to wooden ceilings, its reconstruction over many building seasons and different masonic teams, as funds permitted, would have needed … Continue reading “Chartres 1: the cosmic coding of its towers in height”
- Astronomy 4: The Planetary MatrixThe re-discovery of the ancient planetary matrix, seen through three my three books: Matrix of Creation, Harmonic Origins of the World and Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels. Harmonic Origins of the World inserted the astronomical observations of my previous books into an ancient harmonic matrix, alluded to using … Continue reading “Astronomy 4: The Planetary Matrix”
- Primacy of low whole numbersWhat we call numbers start from one, and from this beginning all that is to follow in larger numbers is prefigured in each larger number. And yet, this prefigurement, in the extensive sense {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc.}, is completely invisible to our customary modern usage … Continue reading “Primacy of low whole numbers”
- Numbers of a Living Planet: PrefaceThe image above is Kurma avatara of Vishnu, below Mount Mandara, with Vasuki wrapped around it, during Samudra Manthana, the churning of the ocean of milk. ca 1870. Wikipedia. It is impossible to talk of a creation outside of the time and space of Existence, though from it, other dimensions can be inferred such … Continue reading “Numbers of a Living Planet: Preface”
- Tragic Loss of the Geocentric Arts and SciencesThis was an article for New Dawn. The geocentricThe ancient view of the planetary world in which the inner planets orbit the sun and the sun and planets orbit Earth (the geo part). The Chaldean order was Earth – Moon – (Mercury – Venus -Sun) – Mars – Jupiter … Continue reading “Tragic Loss of the GeocentricThe ancient view of the planetary world in which the inner planets orbit the sun and the sun and planets orbit Earth (the geo part). The Chaldean order was Earth - Moon - (Mercury - Venus -Sun) - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn. Arts and Sciences”
- Dun Torcuill: The Broch that Modelled the Worldimage above courtesy Marc Calhoun Script This video introduces an article on a Scottish iron-age stone tower or brock which encoded the size of the Earth. You can view the full article on sacred dot number sciences dot org, searching for BROCK, spelt B R O C H. In … Continue reading “Dun Torcuill: The Broch that Modelled the World”
- Earth and Moon within Westminster’s Coronation PavementOur modern globes are based upon political boundaries and geographical topography yet they had geometrical predecessors which described the world as an image, a diagram or schemata. By some act of intuition, an original Idea for the form of the Earth had become established as a simple two-dimensional geometry, … Continue reading “Earth and Moon within Westminster’s Coronation Pavement”
- Origins of the Olmec/Maya Number SciencesABOVE: Stela C from Tres Zapotes roughly rebuilt by Ludovic Celle and based on a drawing by Miguel Covarrubias. Introduction The policy of archaeology regarding the Maya and their root progenitor the Olmec (1500 BCE onwards) is that its cultural innovations were made within Mexico alongside an agrarian revolution … Continue reading “Origins of the Olmec/Maya Number Sciences”
- Developmental Roots below 6Square roots turn out to have a strange relationship to the fundaments of the world. The square root of 2, found as the diagonal of a unit square, and the square root of 3 of the diametric across a cube; these are the simplest expressions of two and three … Continue reading “Developmental Roots below 6”
- Umayyad Mosque: Golden Rectangles from Squaresphoto above of Umayyad Mosque, Damascus by Bernard Gagnon for Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0. In previous articles on double squares and then St Peter’s Basilica, it became clear that squares and double squares have been embodied, within sacred buildings and art, because circles can then spawn golden rectangles from them. … Continue reading “Umayyad Mosque: Golden Rectangles from Squares”
- St Peter’s Basilica: A Golden Rectangle Extension to a SquareHAPPY NEW YEAR above: The Basilica plan at some stage gained a front extension using a golden rectangleA rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of the Golden MeanThe Golden Mean is that unique ratio {1.618034}, relative to ONE {1}, in which its square and reciprocal share the same fractional part {.618034}. It is associated with the synodic period of the planet Venus, which is 8/5 {1.6} of the practical year {365 days}, by approximation. It is a key proportion found in Greco-Roman and later "classical" architecture, and commonly encountered in the forms living bodies take. (1.618034) or a Fibonacci approximation to the Golden Mean.. below: Later Plan for St. Peter’s 16th–17th century. Anonymous. Metropolitan Museum. … Continue reading “St Peter’s Basilica: A Golden RectangleA rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of the Golden Mean (1.618034) or a Fibonacci approximation to the Golden Mean. Extension to a Square”
- St Peter’s Basilica: Starcut & Equal PerimeterIn Malcolm Stewart’s book on Sacred Geometry, his starcut diagram was applied to Raphael’s painting The School of Athens to create radiants to the people standing around the Athenium Lyceum. “If the starcut was the central geometrical determinant for Raphael’s formal depiction of classical philosophy” it was a “known … Continue reading “St Peter’s Basilica: Starcut & Equal Perimeter”
- Starcut Diagram: geometry to define tuningThis is a re-posting of an article thought lost, deriving in part from Malcolm Stewart’s Starcut Diagram. The long awaited 2nd edition Sacred Geometry of the Starcut Diagram has now been published by Inner Traditions. Before this, Ernest McClainAmerican Cryptologist and Pythagorean Musicologist who decoded Plato’s cryptic numerical ciphers … Continue reading “Starcut Diagram: geometry to define tuning”
- Double squares: Venus and the Golden MeanThe humble square, with side length equal to one unit, is like the number one. It’s area is one square unit and, when we add another identical square to one side, the double squareA unit rectangle of 1 by 2, with important use for alignment (Carnac), cosmology (Egypt) and … Continue reading “Double squares: Venus and the Golden Mean”
- Double Square and the Golden Rectangleabove: Dan Palmateer wrote of this, “it just hit me that the conjunction of the circle to the golden rectangleA rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of the Golden Mean (1.618034) or a Fibonacci approximation to the Golden Mean. existed.” Here we will continue in the mode of … Continue reading “Double SquareA unit rectangle of 1 by 2, with important use for alignment (Carnac), cosmology (Egypt) and tuning theory (Honnecourt Man). and the Golden Rectangle”
- Musing Mystical Review: Language of the AngelsI came across a very good review of my book Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels in which the reviewer found the experience of reading over a month. She also told me how I might improve my handling of numbers. Many thanks for that since I will soon be … Continue reading “Musing Mystical Review: Language of the Angels”
- On the Harmonic Origins of the WorldDoes the solar system function as a musical instrument giving rise to intelligent life, civilization and culture on our planet? This 2018 article in New Dawn introduced readers to the lost science of the megalithic – how our ancestors discovered the special ratios and musical harmony in the sky … Continue reading “On the Harmonic Origins of the World”
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