Long before Pythagoras and Plato, there existed matrilineal societies around the Mediterranean, and Western Europe, led by women since the Ice Age. They pursued, with their children, a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and sacred science. In this detailed exploration, the first two parts decode the cosmological secrets hidden by ancient goddess-centered cultures on the islands of Malta and Crete and millennia before at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, and Stonehenge. In part three, behind-the-scenes influences of this tradition are found in Cappadocia, the Vedas, the temple of Angkor Wat, and the Vatican’s St Peter’s basilica.
Chapter 11 integrates the central equal perimeterA type of geometry where an rectilinear geometry has same perimeter as a circle, usually a square but also a 6 by 5 rectangle whose perimeter is 22, assuming pi is 22/7 or 3 + 1/7. geometry, as a single sacred geometry/mandala, the whole geocentricThe ancient view of the planetary world in which the inner planets orbit the sun and the sun and planets orbit Earth (the geo part). The Chaldean order was Earth - Moon - (Mercury - Venus -Sun) - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn. “universe”, centered on the Earth and its orbiting Moon.

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