“We have long known, thanks to Ernest McClainAmerican Cryptologist and Pythagorean Musicologist who decoded Plato's cryptic numerical ciphers in The Pythagorean Plato. The Myth of Invariance showed limiting numbers had been an ancient way of defining the onset of key musical tuning realities, then coded into many religious texts. Wikipedia., that the ancients were obsessed with harmonic numbers and that the Bible encodes these from beginning to end. Now new evidence appears, as these numbers correlate with the planetary periods, and their discovery is pushed far back into the prehistoric era. Richard Heath’s work, based not on speculation but on objective data, challenges all accepted notions of cultural evolution and religious origins.”
–JOSCELYN GODWIN, author of Harmonies of Heaven and Earth and Atlantis and the Cycles of Time
As modern humans first walked the Earth roughly 70,000 years ago, the moon’s orbit came into harmonic resonance with the outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The common denominators underlying these harmonic relationships are the earliest prime numbers of the Fibonacci series–two, three, and five–the same numbers that interact to give us the harmonic relationships of music.
Exploring the simple mathematical relationships that underlie the cycles of the solar system and the music of Earth, Richard Heath reveals how Neolithic astronomers discovered these ratios using megalithic monuments like Stonehenge and the CarnacAn extensive megalithic complex in southern Brittany, western France, predating the British megalithic. stones, discoveries that informed later myths and stories, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Resurrection of Osiris, the Rg Veda, the Hebrew Bible, Homer’s epic tales, and the Return of Quetzalcoatl. He explains how this harmonic planetary knowledge formed the basis of the earliest religious systems, in which planets were seen as gods, and shows how they spread through Sumer, Egypt, and India into Babylon, Judea, Mexico, and archaic Greece. He exposes how the secret knowledge encoded within the Bible’s god YHWH was lost as Greek logic and reason steadily weakened mythological beliefs.
Revealing the mysteries of the octave and of our musical scales, Heath shows how the orbits of the outer and inner planets gave a structure to time, which our moon’s orbit could then turn into a harmonic matrix. He explains how planetary time came to function as a finely tuned musical instrument, leading to the rise of intelligent life on our planet. He demonstrates how this harmonic science of numbers can be read in the secret symbolism and sacred geometry of ancient cities such as Teotihuacan and in temples such as the Parthenon, connecting the higher worlds of planetary time and harmonics with the spiritual and physical life on Earth.
Recasting our understanding of the solar system, Heath seeks to reawaken humanity’s understanding of how sacred numbers structure reality, offering an opportunity to recover this lost harmonic doctrine and reclaim our intended role in the outer life of our planet.
Harmonic Origins of the World
Contents (272 pages, 100 b&w illustrations)
Introduction: The Significance of Planetary Harmony (5)
PART 1: RECOVERING LOST KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD SOULPlato's description of how the Creator designed the world using only the intervals of musical fifth (3/2), whole tone (9/8) and fourth (4/3), within a purely numerical framework (6 8 9 12).
1 Climbing the Harmonic Mountain (20)
2 Heroic Gods of the Tritone (19)
3 YHWH Rejects the Gods (15)
4 Plato’s Dilemma (22)
5 The Quest for Apollo’s Lyre (25)
6 Life on the Mountain (23)
7 Gilgamesh Kills the Stone Men (16)
8 Quetzalcoatl’s Brave New World (31)
9 YHWH’s Matrix of Creation (19)
10 The Abrahamic Incarnation (15)
Postscript: Intelligent Star Systems
APPENDIX 1: Astronomical Periods and Their Matrix Equivalents
APPENDIX 2: Ancient Use of Tone Circles (11)
RICHARD HEATH is a development engineer with degrees in systems science and computer-aided design. His interest in megalithic astronomy and ancient metrologyThe application of units of length to problems of measurement, design, comparison or calculation. has resulted in 6 books, including, in January 2021, Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels. He lives in the Preseli hills of West Wales.
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