Easter Aquhorthies

Easter Aquhorthies (i.e. apocathery) has eleven stones in a circle and in between the two south-to-south-west stones is a large (bridging) recumbent stone, more commonly found in Scottish circles  and associated (by Alexander Thom) to lunar observatories because, in Scotland at lunar maximum standstill, the moon can rest upon or be hidden by a raised horizon.

Picture by krautrock, a member of megalithic.co.uk in June 2010.

Figure 1 Alexander Thom’s site plan, with cardinal directions and highlighting the diameter .

It is tempting to assume geometry within stone circles and this one invites that by having eleven regularly placed stones,. However, 11 is rarely found in regular geometries or stone circles. But,

  1. Eleven is associated (geometrically) with the simplest approximate ratio for pi, of 22/7 and, being on a circle perimeter 22 units on the perimeter means 7 as the diameter. However, the diameter here is 7 x 9 = 63 so that 7 units of 9 feet in diameter translates into 22 x 9 = 198 feet on the circumference.
  2. The second symbolism of eleven is found in the solar time cycles of 33 years which traditionally references as the Solar Hero cycle as the age when heroes die. 33 years was signified in this way because of an exact alignment, at which Equinox sunrise should repeat on the distant horizon every 33 years. While the solar year is 365 whole days long it takes an extra 32/132 of a day for the Earth’s orbit to complete, and this fraction (of 32/132) depends upon 4 x 33 = 132 losing its 33, 33 years after an earlier Equinox on the horizon. (Note that one did not need to know the data and then calculate, as we do today: instead, observation of in-exact solar risings or settings could notice near exact repetitions occurring after 8 years, but more perfectly after 33 years.

Returning to the circle, the circumference of this stone circle is 198 feet which is 6 x 33 = 198 so that the 11 stones may be referencing 33 solar years.

The 33-year period is strangely linked to the movement of the moon’s nodes, which take 18.618 years (of the nodal period) to progress once around the path of the sun (ecliptic). The area under this precession of the lunar nodes (pi x 18.618^2 = 1,088.970022752789) relative to the earth it orbits, which closely equals the area of a square of side 33 x 33 = 1,089.

The megalithic and ancient world both made monuments conforming to the equal area and equal perimeter geometries and even though the equal area situation is proven unsolvable, one sees that (before the notion of an analytic solution) a perfect example was found of a workable pair of numbers (33 years and 18.618 years) was available as these two very significant astronomical time periods.

If the circle is 63 feet in diameter, then one divided by 14 and multiplied by 11 to obtains the square of equal perimeter: 63 x 11/14 = 49.5, which is 99/2 feet on the side. This can then establish the radius of the circle as 18.618 of the same units: When divided by 33, 99/2 becomes 3/2 which is the unit for the radius of the circle of equal namely 18.618 x 3/2 = 27.927 or nearly 28 feet. Below is a picture showing the square and the circle, equal in area in red while the perimeter of the stone circle is equal in perimeter to the red square.

One can see that the red circle embraces the recumbent stone
and its altar-like appendages.

Dun Torcuill: The Broch that Modelled the World

image above courtesy Marc Calhoun


This video introduces an article on a Scottish iron-age stone tower or brock which encoded the size of the Earth. 

You can view the full article on sacred dot number sciences dot org, searching for BROCK, spelt B R O C H.

In the picture above [1] the inner profile of the thick-walled Iron-Age broch of Dun Torceill is the only elliptical example, almost every other broch having a circular inner court.

Torceill’s essential data was reported by Euan MacKie in 1977 [2]: The inner chamber of the broch is an ellipse with axes nearly 23:25 (and not 14:15 as proposed by Mackie).

The actual ratio directly generates a metrological difference, between the major and minor axis lengths, of 63/20 feet. When multiplied by the broch’s 40-foot major axis, this π-like yard creates a length of 126 feet which, multiplied again by π as 22/7, the simplest accurate approximation to the π ratio, between a diameter and circumference of a circle, as used in the ancient and prehistoric periods., generates 396 feet. If each of these feet represented ten miles, this number is an accurate approximation to the mean radius of the Earth, were it a sphere.

If we take the size of the moon in that model, as being 3/11 of 396 feet this would give a circle radius 108 feet and one can see that, using the moon, the outer perimeter of the brock was probably elliptical too.

Thank you for watching.

Multiple Squares to form Flattened Circle Megaliths

above: a 28 square grid with double, triple (top), and four-square rectangles (red),
plus (gray again) the triple rectangles within class B


1.     Problems with Thom’s Stone Circle Geometries.

2.     Egyptian Grids of Multiple Squares.

3.     Generating Flattened Circles using a Grid of Squares.


This paper reviews the geometries proposed by Alexander Thom for a shape called a flattened circle, survivors of these being quite commonly found in the British Isles. Thom’s proposals appear to have been rejected through (a) disbelief that the Neolithic builders of megalithic monuments could have generated such sophistication using only ropes and stakes and (b) through assertions that real structures do not obey the geometry he overlaid upon his surveys.

Continue reading “Multiple Squares to form Flattened Circle Megaliths”

Astronomical Rock Art at Stoupe Brow, Fylingdales

first published 28 October 2016

I recently came across Rock Art and Ritual by Brian Smith and Alan Walker, (subtitled Interpreting the Prehistoric landscapes of the North York Moors. Stroud: History Press 2008. 38.). It tells the story: Following a wildfire of many square miles of the North Yorkshire Moors, thought ecologically devastating, those interested in its few decorated stones headed out to see how these antiquities had fared.


Fire had revealed many more stones carrying rock art or in organised groups. An urgent archaeological effort would be required before the inevitable regrowth of vegetation.

Figure 1 Neolithic stone from Fylingdales Moor | Credit: Graham Lee, North York Moors National Park Authority.

A photo of one stone in particular attracted my attention, at a site called Stoupe Brow (a.k.a. Brow Moor) near Fylingdales, North Yorkshire.

Continue reading “Astronomical Rock Art at Stoupe Brow, Fylingdales”

Chalk Drums to Symbolise Pi and Layout Monuments

December 2016 in numbersciences.org Hits: 3872

Three Folkton Chalk Drums found in a young girl’s grave
©Trustees of the British Museum ]

Perhaps as early as 4000 BC, there was a tradition of making chalk drums. Three highly decorated examples were found in a grave dated between 2600 and 2000 BC in Folkton, northern England and one undecorated chalk drum in southern England at Lavant in an upland downs known for a henge and many other neolithic features discovered in a recent community LIDAR project. The Lavant LIDAR project and the chalk drum found there are the first two articles in PAST, the Newsletter of The Prehistoric Society. (number 83. Summer 2016.) It gives the height and radius of both the Folkton drums 15, 16 and 17 and the Lavant drum, presenting these as a graph as below.

Adapted graphic showing diameters in inches (above in red) as well as mm, and the possible PI relationships for the chalk drum diameters, key to the fact that such drums can be rolled. In line with megalithic numeracy, the simple yet accurate value of 22/7 for PI is shown.
Continue reading “Chalk Drums to Symbolise Pi and Layout Monuments”

The Approximation of π on Earth

π is a transcendental ratio existing between a diameter/ radius and circumference of a circle. A circle is an expression of eternity in that the circumference, if travelled upon, repeats eternally. The earths shape would be circular if the planet did not spin. Only the equator is now circular and enlarged, whilst the north and south poles have a shrunken radius and, in pre-history, the shape of the earth’s Meridian between the poles was quantified using approximations of π as was seen in the post before last. In some respects, the Earth is a designed type of planet which has to have a large moon, 3/11 of the earth’s size and a Meridian of such a size that the diverse biosphere can be created within the goldilocks region of the Sun’s radiance.

It would be impossible to quantify the earth as a physical object without the use of approximations to π, a technique seen as emerging in Crucuno between its dolmen and famous {3 4 5} Rectangle where the 32 lunar months in 945 days was used, through manipulation of proximate numbers to rationalize the lunar month to 27 feet (10 Drusian steps) within which days could be counted using one Iberian foot (of 32/35 feet) as described here and in my Sacred Geometry book.

Continue reading “The Approximation of π on Earth”