Figure 7.5 The widespread tradition of a God who changes the astrological Age, through the Precession of the Equinoxes: Top left, Mithras as Sol Invictus; top right, Mithras slaying the Age of Taurus; bottom left, Aion, God of Ages; and bottom right, Orphic God Phanes. Mithras slaying the Age of Taurus (photo by Tim Prevett courtesy of the Segontium Museum, 2005)
This article has been extracted from my 4th book Sacred Number and the Lords of Time as being a fairly self-contained read. The “great time” in the heading is the Precession of the Equinoxes or Great Year of Plato, in which god-like human figures are posited in ancient times as governing the Age named after the Zodiacal sign in which the sun sits at the spring equinox, today the age of Pisces is about to become the age of Aquarius, but the Current Era corresponds to the age of Pisces, inaugurated by the birth of Jesus, hence also called A.D. for “anno dominie” or “year of Our Lord”.
Figure 7.4. The conceptual model of Great Time as two bands at right angles, joined at the equinoctial points where the celestial meridian of the Age crosses the equator and ecliptic
The above diagram contains information with can generally only be grasped by using a geometrical diagram. Its focus is the properties of a right triangle that is 4 times larger than its third and shortest side. The left hand view illustrates what we call Pythagoras’ theorum, namely that
“The squares of the shorter sides add up to the square of the longest side.”
Here this is shown as 144 + 9 = 153 because, if the third side is three lunar months long, then the 4-long base is 12 lunar months, hence the square of 12 is 144″. The longest side is then 153, the diagonal of the four squares rectangle, and the square root of 153 is 12.369 lunar months, the solar year when measured in lunar months.
ABOVE: South rose window in Angers Cathedral of Saint Maurice. Stained glass by Andre Robin created after the fire of 1451. At centre, Christ of the Apocalypse, in glory (Revelation 21:5). At bottom, 12 radial windows showing 12 elders, crowned and playing musical instruments, rejoicing, indicating the remade world (the heavenly Jerusalem). At top, circular ends of 12 radial windows showing the 12 signs of the Zodiac, indicating the incarnation of Christ as a man on earth under the stars. Sequence from left to right has last 2 signs before first, i.e. Aquarius/Water-bearer (grey), Pisces/Fish (grey), Aries/Ram, Taurus/Bull (yellow), Gemini/Twins, Cancer/Crab (red), Leo/Lion (yellow), Virgo/Virgin, Libra/Scales, Scorpio/Scorpion, Sagittarius/Archer, Capricorn/He-goat (blue background) photo: Chiswick Chap for Wikipedia Foundation.
The Moon was the means by which a 12-fold harmony became established on the Earth. This harmonization occurred through the lengthening of the lunar month until 12 months fitted, in a special way, within the solar year. The excess of the solar year over the lunar year of 12 months became 7/19 lunar months, causing seven extra whole months over 19 years. This 19-year (235 month) Metonic period was well-known to the ancient world, and it leads to the remarkably short cycle for the pattern of similar eclipses, we call the Saros period, which repeat every 18 years (235 minus 12 months = 223 months). And eclipses are highly visible because the disk of the Moon has come to be the same angular size as the disk of the Sun, causing total solar eclipses.
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque is one of the masterpieces of Iranian architecture that was built during the Safavid Empire, standing on the eastern side of Naqsh-i Jahan Square, Esfahan, Iran. Construction of the mosque started in 1603 and was finished in 1619. for Wikipedia by Phillip Maiwald
The Golden Mean (1.618034) or Phi (Greek letter) is renowned for the behavior of it’s reciprocal and square which are 0.618034 and 2.618034 respectively; that is, the fractional part stays the same. Phi is a unique singularity in number. While irrational, shown here to only 6 figures, it is its infinite fractional part which is responsible for Phi’s special properties.
The Fibonacci series: Found in sacred buildings (above), it is also present in the way living forms develop. Many other series of initial number pairs tend towards generating better and better approximations to Phi. This was most famously the Fibonacci series of 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 … (each right hand result is the simple sum of the two preceding numbers (0+0 = 1, 1+1=2, etc.
Rex Bear talked to me by Zoom on the 11th March; about the extensive background of my new book Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels. Below is embedded from the Leak Project YouTube channel.
In the previous article, it was shown that the form of the trilithons, of five taller double sarsens approximating to a five-pointed star, matches the astronomical phenomena of the successive morning and evening stars, as Venus approaches Earth from the east and then recedes to the west as the morning pass. On approach, the planet rises in the evening sky and then dives into the evening sun and if one traces this motion it have the appearance of a horn. Venus shoots past the sun and reappears in the morning sky as the sun rises, creating another traced horn shape, symmetrical to the evening.
Figure 1
In support of the form of the trilithons resembling five successive double horns of Venus over 8 years, the width of the inner faces can also be interpreted as to their length being one megalithic rod, that is 2.5 megalithic yards. The distance between each pillar is ¼ of a megalithic rod so that, each inner face is divided by 4 of these units which units are 5/8ths of a megalithic yard, the ratio of the practical year of 365 days relative to the Venus synod of 584 days (365 / 584 = 5/8), the common factor between the two periods being 73 days.
The combined inner width of each pair of supports would therefore symbolize 8 x 73 days, or 584 days. Five of these pairs would then be 5 x 584 days, which equals 2920 days, this time period also being 8 x 365 days or eight practical years.
The inner surfaces lie on an ellipse which can be framed by a 5 by 8 rectangle whose sides are exactly the diameters required to form a day-counting circle for 365 day-inches (116.136 inches) and 584 day-inches (185.818 inches). The 365 day-inch circle (shown red and dashed in figure 4) has its centre in the center of the ellipse and so would have touched the two trilithons at A and B, at a tangent to their faces.
Figure 2 The Venus count of 584 day-inches (shown blue and dashed) was concentric to both the bluestone and sarsen circles, sitting inside of the bluestone circle.
The high degree of correlation between,
the five-fold form of the Venus synod and the five couplets of trilithons,
the summed inner widths of the trilithons as being 5 x 8 = 40 units of 73 days = 2920 days.
the out-rectangle of the inner ellipse being 8 by 5 and
the rectangle’s sides being the diameters of two circles of 584 inches and 365 inches, suitable for day-inch counting,
……. points to the 5-fold horseshoe of trilithons as a “temple” to the unique astronomical behavior of Venus in its synodic relationship to the solar year of 365 whole days.
No other compelling explanation exists, though many interpretions have been proposed such as