When I wrote Matrix of Creation in 2001, many planetary resonances were revealed and most of these involved small whole-number relationships between both sidereal and synodicThe recurring time cycle of a given celestial phenomenon seen from the Earth. periods in the solar system. At that time, only the Jupiter and Saturn synods (of the two visible outer planets) had been identified, as 9/8 and 16/15 of the lunar year (see chapter 9). The implied units of these ratios were 1.5 and 0.8 lunar months (respectively).
Mars is closer to the Earth and Moon than these giant planets and, since all the giants have numerical ratios to the lunar year, what of Mars whose synodic period is effectively 780 days: This is over 2 solar years (2.14) and 2.2 lunar years, a fractional relationship of 11/5 lunar years. That the moon has such a simple fractional relationship with all of the outer planets implies a previously unknown (at least in recent times) principle, in which the moon is gravitationally affected by the “loops of proximity”, seen when such planets approach, at a frequency defined by their synodic period. In the case of Mars this is very long, proximity happening every 780 days.

figure 1 Compares the Mars resonance with the Moon with those of the other outer planets (Neptune was not shown as 28/27 in Language of the Angels).
One must see moons as being in free fall within a spacetime continuum distorted by the massive objects that surround them: The Sun and other planets. The Theory of Relativity explains gravity as due to the nearly-invisible curvature of space so that when outer planets become proximate to the Moon, orbiting the Earth, the Moon follows the curvature of the Earth (being caught in it’s orbit) and of the Sun (as its orbit gets nearer to and further from the Sun every 27.321 days) and finally, the synodic periodicity of the planets (to the Earth’s orbit rather than the sun). This situation appears to have led to these whole number relations between the lunar year and the synodic periods of the outer planets{11/5, 9/8, 16/15, 25/24, 28/27}.
The Synodic Resonance between our large moon and the outer planets is barely known of today. Only the orbital resonance, between planets as they orbit the Sun, are considered important, and perhaps this is because the moons of the other planets are too small, or far away, to be affected in this way.
In chapter 11 of Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures, I was able to use an ancient equal perimeterA type of geometry where an rectilinear geometry has same perimeter as a circle, usually a square but also a 6 by 5 rectangle whose perimeter is 22, assuming pi is 22/7 or 3 + 1/7. model of the Earth and Moon to show that the planets fill the distance between an Earth Circle diameter 11 and the annular ring around that, of width 3. It seems that the principle of synodic resonance was known of by an ancient astronomy, in which the moon absorbs the synodic proximity according to the equal area geometry, which is strongly seen in the 18.618 year “orbit” of its two orbital nodes leading to the eclipse cycles, such as the SarosThe dominant eclipse period of 223 lunar months after which a near identical lunar or solar eclipse will occur. of 18.03 years for 19 eclipse years.

This shows us that the ancient world wrapped up their astronomical discoveries in religious swaddling clothes whilst we today ignore synodic periods as simply the inevitable result of viewing the planets from the 3rd planet out on a massive race track. The deep significance of Time as astronomical is further obscured by our irregular monthly calendar, calculating planets using equations, and living inside man-made spaces at night.
If one is to avoid an unexpectedly planned cosmos, one must explain these relationships as natural effects of gravitational dynamics, perhaps due to Symmetry for example in which an n-body problem can be solved due to the pattern of behavior before and after the synodic event being symmetrical: in the math, a complex set of non-linear influences can then collapse down into a simple linear proportionality, like these stable numerical relationships of the moon with planets in quite different orbits.
As I say in the book, the synod of Venus operates quite differently to an outer planet. Whereas the outer planets tend to reinforce a type of harmony called musical, with the Moon, Venus has a strong resonance with the orbit of the Earth based upon the Golden MeanThe Golden Mean is that unique ratio {1.618034}, relative to ONE {1}, in which its square and reciprocal share the same fractional part {.618034}. It is associated with the synodic period of the planet Venus, which is 8/5 {1.6} of the practical year {365 days}, by approximation. It is a key proportion found in Greco-Roman and later "classical" architecture, and commonly encountered in the forms living bodies take.: The practical year of 365 days has five units of 73 days while the Venus synod of 584 days has eight units of 73 days. Almost certainly, for this reason, Venus was seeen to be the younger member of a Triple GoddessThe goddess took three forms as the beautiful young Venus/ Aphrodite, the fecund Earth goddess and the wizened Moon goddess., who accompanied the fecund Earth Goddess and wise old Moon Goddess. This form of harmony is in fact based upon the Fibonacci series {1 1 2 3 5 8 13 …} a series of integer relations which can automatically cause two similar inner planets to capture each other using ratios approximating the Golden Mean, in this case: synodic, as Venus = 8/5 Solar yearFrom Earth: the time in which the sun moves once around the Zodiac, now known to be caused by the orbital period of the Earth around the Sun. and sidereal, as Venus orbit = 8/13 solar year.
The magic behind integer relationships is that orbits and time periods are reentrant: they literally eat their own tail.