image: The Gothic cathedral of Cologne by night, by Robert Breuer CC-SA 3.0
On the matter of facades of Gothic cathedrals, I hark back to previous work (February 2018) on Cologne cathedral. This was published in a past website that was destroyed by its RAID backup system!
As we have seen with Chartres, some excellent lithographs with scales can often exist online from which one can interpret their sacred geometrical form and even the possible measures used to build that form. The Gothic norm for a facade seem more closely followed at Cologne facade which has two towers of (nearly) equal height.

We saw at Chartres that an underlying geometry using multiple squares may have been used to define a facade and bend it towards a suitable presentation of astronomical time, in a hidden world view that God’s heaven for the Earth is actually to be found in the sky as a pattern of time. This knowledge emerged with the megalithsStructures built out of large little-altered stones in the new stone age or neolithic between 5,000-2,500 (bronze age), in the pursuit of astronomical knowledge. and, in the medieval, it appeared again in monumental religious buildings built by masons who had inherited a passed-down but secret tradition.
A Prologue to Cathedral Music
In my book Matrix of Creation I observed that the Lunar Year of 12 months appear to be like Plato’s World SoulPlato's description of how the Creator designed the world using only the intervals of musical fifth (3/2), whole tone (9/8) and fourth (4/3), within a purely numerical framework (6 8 9 12)., of 6:8::9:12 only raised by a fifth (3/2) to be (9:12::13.5:18). The number 12 is then the 12 lunar months of the lunar year and the 13.5 are the 13.5 lunations which are the synodicThe recurring time cycle of a given celestial phenomenon seen from the Earth. period of Jupiter (398.88 days). The synod of Saturn (378 days) is then caught between the 12 and 13.5, near the geometric mean of the octave 9::18, as a location known to tuning theory as the upper Just tritone of 64/45 (= 1.422), a prime example of the diabolicus in music. That is the Moon appears to be a central part and factor of an astronomical instrumentality relating Jupiter and Saturn, the two outer gas giants of the solar system.
Without knowledge of geocentricThe ancient view of the planetary world in which the inner planets orbit the sun and the sun and planets orbit Earth (the geo part). The Chaldean order was Earth - Moon - (Mercury - Venus -Sun) - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn. astronomy, megalithic metrologyThe application of units of length to problems of measurement, design, comparison or calculation., sacred geometry, and the study of numbers (the four higher parts or Quadrivium of the Traditional Arts), it is impossible to read such monuments, and the truths placed within them.
The Double Square
The properties of the double squareA unit rectangle of 1 by 2, with important use for alignment (Carnac), cosmology (Egypt) and tuning theory (Honnecourt Man)., here proposed as a vertical 2 by 1 rectangle embracing the whole facade, are to be seen in many other posts you might want to reference (this link opens a new search tab). It seemed to me that the key orientation was the crossing of the lower square’s diagonals, a location where Chartres has its Rose Window and in this case, the domed top of a major rectangular window.
Referring to the diagram below, the bottom square is the cosmic octave’s “ballast” of 9 lunar months and the top square the “active portion” of an octave in which 12 lunar months (or lunar year) is the fourth note of the octave uplifted numerically by 3/2. Saturn’s synod of 12.8 months is 12.8/9 = 64/45, musically √2 which is the length of the lower square’s diagonals which cross the arch of the main window. The red arrow thus signifies by its arc the location of Saturn as the tritone (geometric mean) of the octave.

The Façade of Cologne as the double octave of Plato’s World Soul elevated by 3/2.
The left tower is slightly lower that the right, indicating that the Saturn synodThe 378 days between two retrograde loops of Saturn, equal to 54 seven-day weeks (378) is less than the Jupiter synod (399). Musically, Jupiter is 3/2 is the fifth in the octave 9::18, numerically 13.5 lunar months. If one halves the right side of the upper square into two, this is where the fifth belongs and this point is also a whole tone (9/8) above the lunar year, whilst Saturn is 16/15 above the lunar year as 12.8 lunar months.
Plato’s World Soul, transformed
In a single figure, the transformation of Plato’s World Soul of 6:8::9:12, as simplest solution, then masked the hidden doctrine that, in lunar months, the very same is implemented in the relationship of the outer giant planets to the Moon as lunar year but trasformed by a musical fifth. The dominant and subdominant are the lunar year and Jupiter synod, with the Saturn synod providing the “satanic” tritone which acts in denial of the octave “god”. This octave of 19::18 has only survived in the Supplemental Glyphs of the Olmec (additional to long counts), who appear to have received it from the collapsing Bronze Age of the Eastern Mediterranean around 1500 BC (see my Sacred Number and the Lords of Time).
Abandoning the geocentric perspective of the planets for the heliocentricThe modern view of the solar system in which all planets orbit the Sun and the Moon orbits the Earth as third planet out. “washed away [this] baby with the bathwater”, that the moon was the intermediary in simple numbers of months of the principle of cosmic harmony in the higher worlds. Holding us back from seeing the old perspective is our fond belief that cosmic design was part of religious fantasies in which God, gods or angels had made the sky of the earth. Whilst we know so much about space, time has been neglected for its astronomical action upon the present moment within which change is the prime phenomena, as the Buddha said “change is the only thing that does not change.”
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