This is an extension of the mythic story of Aphrodite and Hephaistos which left out of Matrix of Creation. Its matrix of time has not been found wanting and may still be what the myth writers had in mind for what is otherwise a most extraordinary story. The pictures need re-mastering and can only just be read in some cases.
Richard Heath
Equating Saturn with mythological Kronos-Cronos can hide the subtler reality that Saturn and Venus represent as residual elements of an earlier solar system. The genitals of Ouranos can be re-interpreted as follows. He is the “overhanging one” which points directly to the galaxy that passes close the north and south poles. Saturn performs a scooping motion in the sky, every synodicThe recurring time cycle of a given celestial phenomenon seen from the Earth. period and passing over the galaxy twice in a 29 year period of 28 synods.
The loops of Saturn are represented by the sickle, His ubiquitous symbolic companion, and the genitals are “thrown into the sea”, opposite the cutting action, to become the Sun as the generative power of the stellar world. The foam that this generates gives birth to Venus Aphrodite “born out of foam”, who expresses a synodic Fibonacci relation of 8/5 (and a sidereal 8/13) with respect to the practical year on Earth. The shell on which She is represented is the original cutting tool.
The second creation is then Jupiter’s, as it further interprets the previous creation numerically, especially through the Moon. The creation of Saturn is then to the bones underlying the flesh of the numerical environment we find today, and Saturn is represented as a skeleton.
Equating Hephaistos as “just” the lunar orbital period divided by 25, or by 20 or the golden meanThe Golden Mean is that unique ratio {1.618034}, relative to ONE {1}, in which its square and reciprocal share the same fractional part {.618034}. It is associated with the synodic period of the planet Venus, which is 8/5 {1.6} of the practical year {365 days}, by approximation. It is a key proportion found in Greco-Roman and later "classical" architecture, and commonly encountered in the forms living bodies take. Moon can also be taken back to another level. His “sister” Athene, the parthenogenic (virgin birthed) goddess, the Sophia, is found in relation with Hepheistos in such a way that he only spills his seed upon her giving rise to issue.
Hepheistos appears as a transformed Chronos and Athene is the child of Metis, who helped Zeus incapacitate Chronos before being swallowed by Zeus as a threat to his rule. Originally, the children of Metis, or cunning intelligence, were destined to overthrow Zeus. Hepheistos helps Zeus, by splitting open his head with his axe because it hurts so much with this intelligence, and out springs Athene – ready formed with a shout.
We have already shown that Hephistos is, as Vulcan, volcanic. He is born of Hera alone, perhaps to match Athene, and when Io is seen by space probes it is found to be volcanic, sulphurous and kept heated by the constant kneading of Jupiter’s gravity caused by the dis-alignments produced by the other Galilean satellites. So Io should be called Vulcan. But who then is Athene?
The moons of Jupiter are like a small solar system and they display strong resonances where over relatively short periods, parts of the system repeat, that is they interact numerically but in a simpler and faster fashion than the greater planetary system.
Europa interacts with Io-Vulcan at a frequency just over 2, i.e. doubling. Io-Vulcan has a period of 1.769 days whilst Europa’s is 3.551 days and the ratio is 2.0072945. Dealing first with the number two, it is the most primitive relation of splitting in two, numerically akin to cycles of barrenness in Plato’s scheme. Meanwhile the fraction is found to be 1 over 137 and this results in a shared “synodic” period of 137 europa orbits and 275 io-Vulcan orbits.
The synodic period of Io and Europa (Io-Eu) is then very nearly 4/3 practical years and from this can be deduced a relation to the Practical Year itself, with a shared common period of 4 practical years and a common divisor of one third of a practical year. It is then discovered that 1/3 of a year, divided by 33This is the number of years for an exact number of 12053 days. This period can be measured using the equinoctal sun and it has come to be known as the lifetime of semi-divine Solar Heroes such as Jesus and Mithras. This period relates geometrically to the 18.618 years of the moon's nodal period., is a lunation divided by 8.
This year to Io-Eu relation, being 4:3, resonates with the previously discovered Venus-Mars relation, also of 4:3 but exactly 8/5 times longer. It was based upon the unit lunation by 5, attributed to Hephaistos and now we have a lunation by 8 unit organising a parallel mesh within the Planetary Matrix.

Io-Eu is “in the position” of Mars in this lower repetition of the pattern and it “fills a hole” in a resonant sense. How this works is a mystery, but it provides a division of the year by three that traditionally is ascribed to Mercury whose synodic period of 115.88 days times three is 347.64 days long, nearly 18 days short.
These patterns are dominated by the number 33 and its multiples of 3, 4 and 5. The perfect fourth of 4:3 at their heart but their base units are lunar periods divided by 8 and 5 making the two systems another example of resonant parallelism.
In the lunation by 5 world, the number 25 emerges also, reminding of Jupiter and forging a link from 4 lunations /5 to the Golden Year. The search for an equivalent has its reward for 4 lunations/8 multiplied by 24 equals 12 lunations – the lunar year!
This completes the profile of Athena as both Europa, Io-Eu and the unit lunation divided by 8. It becomes obvious how Hepheistos splits open the head of Zeus to create Athene, ready formed to fill the 4:3 relation with the practical year and define the lunar year as a lunar goddess.

Athene has thus found her place alongside her brother, in a manner implied by myth and demonstrated in relation to Jupiter’s inner moons and the “inner solar system”. Whilst Hephaistos pioneered the great work, as did Chronos in the early solar system, Athene adds the woman’s touch (2 to the power 3) to integrate the lunar year and fragile relationship between Mars and Venus Aphrodite, her primal precursor.
We know already that the practical year and Venus synod are harmonised in an 8/5 ratio and this culminated in a shared period of 32 practical years of 20 Venus synods. This 32 practical years is then found to be 33 lunar years and, of course, 24 Io-Eus. As the matrix homes in on a period 5 times this of 160 practical years, it is found that 5 times 33 means there are 165 lunar years in the same period. This on top of 99 Golden Years, 100 Venus synods, and 75 Mars synods.
Athene “loves” the practical year but is very much “on top”. The stalks of the seed god penetrate upwards, rocked in its cradle by the lunar year, a Triple GoddessThe goddess took three forms as the beautiful young Venus/ Aphrodite, the fecund Earth goddess and the wizened Moon goddess. and Child. Io-Eu is the darkness in the Taoistic light of the year whilst Venus is the light in a complementary darkness, in which Mars charges around the planetary world seen at night.
The Naughty Smith
Athene is a goddess of war, but more intelligent and successful than others, including Ares-Mars. Normally she obtains weapons to fight from Zeus but where he was neutral, Hephaestus the Smith agreed to make some “for love”. Poseidon suggested that Athene was expecting passionate sex, with Zeus’s blessing, and so on her visit to his smithy on Mount Olympus, Hephaestus turns upon her and she pulls away. He ejaculates on her thigh and she wipes away his seed with a handful of wool and this is thrown away to fertilise Mother Earth.
Athene will be in the position of Mars in the lower 3:4 matrix. Her numeric weapons normally come from Zeus but here the Io-Eu weapon is being developed in the golden mean relation of Io to the Moon. The “love” will ricochet away form Europa-Athene and relate to Earth.
The resulting child Erichthonious is rejected by Mother Earth and so Athene says she will look after it, hiding him in a sacred basket. The child is part man and part serpent and after a further drama, Athena has to care for it in her aegis, a leather bodice-come-chastity-garment on which Perseus contributes the Gorgon’s head.
The child is a virtual creation, belonging to the land of serpents or cyclical world and not of the Earth. He can only be seen by inference, just like the Io-Eu.
Athene gives the sacred basket to Aglauros, eldest of three daughters of Araulos – Queen of Athens – each daughter carrying the sacred basket of a ritual prostitute. Hermes pays Aglauros with gold to gain access to Herse (with whom he is madly in love) but out of jealousy she does not act and an angry Hermes turns her to stone and has his way with Herse leading to the birth of Eos and Ceryx, first herald of the Elysian Mysteries.
Athena becomes mother and three daughters, 3 and 4. The youngest daughter is the sub-harmonic factor which is one third of a year which, divided by the 115.88 day synodic period of Mercury yields 21/20
A Fibonacci for 8, please
The story involving Hermes is leading us to a new matrix that connects to 160 Practical Years through division by 8. The relating 3:4 elements are this time the quarter year and the third year, whilst the sub-harmonic is the practical year divided by 12. The “first third” of the year is Herse, the youngest sister, to whom Hermes wants a relationship.
There are 63 synods of Mercury within 160/8 practical years and the common multiple between Herse and Hermes is then 20/3 years, in which there are 21 synods of Mercury-Hermes.
Following the logic of previous matrices, the year divided by 12 should then be divided by 21 to yield the root unit for this matrix, which is 5/63 times phidash lunations. It is here, therefore, that “paying in gold” finds its meaning within the language of myth. Note that the number 7 has become involved through 21 and 63 is 9 times 7.
The twelve months in a year have appeared and a relationship to Mercury based upon 20 and 21, in the secondary grid now to be found alongside the primary 3:4 grid in such diagrams.

Aphrodite secretly meets the Moon
A matrix for 13 would have to involve the Moon symbolically and the 3:4 elements are 6 and 8 lunation periods, having a common factor of 2 lunations. The Grand Synod divided by 13 equals 20 sidereal periods of Venus which divided by 20 yields the sidereal period itself. This is possible because Venus is in Fibonacci relation to the year as 8/13 of it.
Meanwhile, 20 such Venus periods are 19 periods of 8 lunations and therefore 19 and 20 become the side grid for this matrix. The root unit is 2 lunations divided by 20 or a lunation divided by 10, giving a relation to the divide by 5 of Hephaistos and the ten petal iconography of Venus.
The ability to build these relationships is uncanny and reveals hidden relationships over time between synodic and sidereal periods which would be unlikely accidents. The accuracy of the relations show the intent to have a system that can inter-relate in detail according to ratios involving the golden mean, small integers and a perfect fourth as the driving force.
Perhaps we should leave it to the reader to find the matrices for 21, 34, 55 and 76? They are not so tidy but show up facts such as that the 260 Tzolkin of the Mayans is in 3:4 relation to the Eclipse Yearthe time taken (346.62 days) for the sun to again sit on the same lunar node, which is when an eclipse can happen. with relations to phidash lunations and the quarter year.