The emergence of 2, 3, 5 from ONE then combining as ANU and leading to the differentiation of the World along various paths. The creation proceeds through three prime number dimensions, Ea (as in Earth) through 2, Enki through 3 , Enlil through 5. Anu remains the fountainhead associated with all three and with the ZodiacThe 12 constellations through which the sun passes in the solar year of 365.2422 days, which emerged in later Babylonian as a seasonally relevant calendar.
Here I start by publishing an important diagram that shows how the earliest known references to musical tuning (early 4th millennium BC) on clay cuneiform tablets, using “regular numbers” whose factors are products of only the numbers 2, 3 and 5, led to the cosmological vision of their gods, the primary god, Anu, being a balanced mix of all three numbers as 60 but also called ONE. This is the source of their Sexagesimal or base-60, still employed in measuring angles and time called minutes and seconds. All comes from ONE.
Interfaces with the Bible were subtle, with the introduction of the flood in Genesis brought on by the gods led by Enlil (5 or 50) and the creation of Adam (A.D.M = 1 x 4 x 40) as a letter composite sum in Hebrew of 45 and position notation 1.4.40. The god revealing his full name to Moses (=345) as YHWH ( -) signifying the planetary matrix.

These numerical details were discovered by Ernest G McClain (The Myth of Invariance, 1976) but then I found planetary resonances pointed to YHWH as encoding a harmonic limit 6 x 5 x 10 x 5 = 777,600,000 or 60 to the power of 5. In contrast, the Sumerians had Inanna who became Ishtar of later Mesopotamian civilisations, who carried forward many of the Sumerian innovations. Ishtar, a fearful goddess was watered-down to become Aphrodite-Venus, and the planet Venus was her ancient planetary identification, the morning and evening star.
In my Harmonic Origins of the World, 2018, I located Venus at the head of the Maya feathered serpent of terrestrial planets and cycles, which the value of 60 to the power of 4 = 129,600,000; a harmonic Limit (based on units 1/80th part of the lunar month) sixty times less than YHWH who perhaps over-ruled Ishtar in the Bible as a limit outside the planetary creation. The lunar year in that arrangement is equal to 60, balancing the position of Venus relative to the range ONE (the cornerstone) to YHWH (the Limit).

Picture derived from
Therefore, it is possible to infer the exile of elite Jews in Babylon circa 600 BC caused their writing of Genesis and Exodus to differentiate the Hebrew people and religion from the Ishtar and Marduk worshiping locals, whose astronomy was used for divination based on planetary gods. The path of ANU appears extended to subordinate the planetary world, giving supremecy to their God and simplicity, in Adam, to the religious.