Readers of my article [post2post id=”327″] will be familiar with the finding that in 32 lunar months there are almost exactly 945 days, leading to the incredibly accurate proximation (one part in 45000!) for the lunar month of 945/32 = 29.53125 days.
In the previous article on Seascale I noticed that 36 lunar months (three solar years) divided by 32 lunar months is the Pythagorean tone of 9/8. This led me to important thoughts regarding the tuning matrix of the Moon within the periods of the three outer planets, since the synod of Jupiter divided by the lunar year of 12 lunar months is the same tone, the tone that on “holy mountains” of Ernest G. McClain’s ancient tuning theory. Such tones are only found between two tonal numbers separated by two perfect fifths of 3/2, since 3/2 x 3/2 = 2.25 which, normalised to the octave of 1 to 2, is 1.125 or 9/8.

Figure 1 If the matrix unit is one tenth of the lunar month, then three lunar years becomes 360 units which, taken to be high do or D” = the harmonic limiting number, presents the matrix above, in the style proposed as indicative of Ancient Tuning Theory by Ernest McClain (see his The Myth of Invariance). This Harmonic Matrix for 360 = 36 months shows that the 32 lunar month period starts row 2 as 320.
The following important facts then emerge from this matrix;
1. The number 320 in the matrix is the 32 lunar month period whilst in between lies two lunar years as G=240.
2. To the right of D = 360 lies 270 which is two Jupiter synods taking 27 lunar months.
3. Saturn is the bottom left “cornerstone” of a-flat = 256: again lasting for two of it’s synods of 12.8 lunar months.
4. On top of the matrix is a periodicity of 25 lunar months during which exactly two synods of Uranus equal to 12.5 lunar months, complete.
The 32 month period is therefore a crucial part of the planetary matrix relating to two lunar years (240) and two synods of all the visible outer planets (250, 256, 270).
The 36-month period, normally seen as 18 lunar months relative to the lunar year, is that found in the day-counting at Le Manio Quadrilateral along its southern kerb, in which the 32nd stone from the start of counting is 945 day-inches from the start. This was how I came to notice that 32 lunar months very accurately equals an integer number of 945 days.
The esoteric significance of the 360 “schematic year” might flow from this, as an ancient calendar of the Egyptians or proposed within Plato’s calendrical approach to tuning as “360 days and nights”, then equalling 720 units as highest bounding note of the octave (then 72 lunar months).
And this counting of months instead of days generates a parallel and simplified matrix approach, as it also did when day-inch countingThe practice of counting the days, using inches or other small units, between synodic phenomena such as years or planetary loops. was replaced; by counting months using megalithic yards in the counted lengths. One can directly read the periodicities and work out the intervals, avoiding any significant arithmetic.

Of particular interest is the way the seven day week appears to be another key to this matrix, in addition to tenths of a lunar month. The Saturn synodThe 378 days between two retrograde loops of Saturn, equal to 54 seven-day weeks is 54 weeks long, whilst Jupiter’s synod is 57 weeks long. The lunar year must be 8/9 of 57. The 32 month period, leading the second row, is 2.5 x 54 = 135 weeks long.
We know that the lunar year is 8 to 9 of the Jupiter synod and 15 to 16 of the Saturn synod. Therefore Saturn = 54 /16 x 15 =405/8. Multiply by the 7 day week gives 354.375 days whilst lunar year is 354.367 days, just 1/125th of a day different or 12 minutes!
The Moon is often associated with the lunar month with people oddly quoting 28 days for its duration and as a sacred number. However, it is the synod of Saturn (and Jupiter), in which Cronos (or Chronos, the old god of time) had a sacrificial calendar of 364 days (of 52 x 7 day weeks) called the Saturnian year. 405/8 weeks gives (as above) the lunar year to high accuracy but also expresses the lunar month as 29.53125 which equals 945 days divided by 32. This figure was found in use between Crucuno dolmenA chamber made of vertical megaliths upon which a roof or ceiling slab was balanced. and rectangle as per figure 3 below.

This would imply that the megalithic resolution of the lunar year and solar yearFrom Earth: the time in which the sun moves once around the Zodiac, now known to be caused by the orbital period of the Earth around the Sun., as a right triangle of two day-inch counts over three years, led to the further resolution of the time periods between the loops of visible outer planets Jupiter and Saturn, and the observation that these two synods related to the lunar year in the two ratios 9/8 and 16/15 which we call the tone and semitone of premodern instrumental music. Along the same lines, the move to counting in months rather than days led to the comprehension that the outer planets were intensively related to one another through the lunar year and that, a perfect fifth from the lunar year of 36 months was the 945 day period of 32 months, which further tied the lunar month to solar days as 945/32 days long.
The seven day week would also have emerged from that point since the two outer planets have synods divisible by units of 7 days and the 364 day year of 52 weeks would then have followed as a sacrificial day short of the solar year of 365 days. The 364 day year was later a Jewish Jubilee calendar and the Bible appears to hold harmonic number references to the above matrices – and hence knowledge of planetary harmony.
For further reference to harmonic calendars see chapter ten of Harmonic Origins of the World whilst the megalithic discovery of planetary harmony is explored in chapter one and the Bible codes in chapter four.